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We are a team of professionals from different backgrounds, united by our efforts to improve care and support for older people through the Galitsky methodology.
Sasha Galitsky
Founder and Author of the Galitsky Method

Born near Moscow in 1957, Sasha Galitsky is an artist with a degree in sculpture from MHPU College and an MA in Arts and Education from MGPI, as well as a member of the Union of Designers of the former USSR.


In 1990, Sasha relocated to Israel. Over the years, he taught at Bezalel Academy and served as the art director of the Center for Educational Technologies (1993 — 2004).

In 2002, he launched a mobile wood carving studio for the residents of ten assisted living homes. 


An accomplished artist, Sasha Galitsky has showcased his work in numerous solo exhibitions globally, including at the Israel Museum in 2011.


As an author, Sasha published two bestselling books dedicated to advanced age and aging: “Mom, Don’t Worry!” (co-authored with Vladimir Yakovlev) and “Don’t Be Afraid!”


For the last two decades, Sasha has been committed to art, education, and changing the lives of the elders.


Tatyana Tsytkin


Art teacher and graphic designer. Since the early nineties, she has actively participated in developing educational programs for children and teenagers, including students with special needs.


In collaboration with Sasha Galitsky, she originated and produced numerous social-artistic projects in Israel and internationally.


Tatyana teaches ceramics, painting, and art history to the elderly.

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Emil Guberman

A dynamic executive with a proven track record in steering and energizing international business initiatives, Emil has played pivotal roles as a successful manager, entrepreneur, and business developer throughout his career.


Proficient in high-level communication, negotiation, and leveraging technical knowledge. Emil’s career is punctuated by his success in establishing, growing, and leading business operations across the globe.


Emil’s selected business projects:


Magic Lamp LTD, Founder and CEO (since 2021)
EIG Group, Owner and CEO (2014 – 2020)

Geomage 2003, Co-founder (2003 – 2013)


Emil holds a BA in Marketing and Business Administration from New England College (Ramat Gan Branch).


Raya Riger

A social entrepreneur and an expert in collaborating with Israeli non-profit organizations.


Between 1991 and 1995, Raya initiated and operated an aesthetics school project for immigrant children, fostering their integration into Israeli society while actively involving parents in their children's education.


From 1995 to 2017, she served as a co-founder and CEO of the Repatriate Parents Forum, a national association collaborating closely with the Ministry of Aliyah and Integration, social security services, educational bodies, local authorities, and international foundations. Her extensive experience includes initiating integration programs for repatriated families.


Recently, Raya has shifted her focus to assisting to the retired and elderly population in social, legal, and caregiving aspects.

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Irena Lipsky

Irina is a distinguished professional with over 25 years of dedicated service, collaborating closely with government and local authorities, international foundations, NGOs, and various organizations in Israel and globally. 

Irena is a proven expert in strategic management, change management, and crisis management, and excels in navigating multicultural environments. Her expertise also encompasses evaluation and measurement, ensuring that the projects not only achieve their intended goals but also quantifiably demonstrate their impact.

Irena constantly enhances her expertise through continuous professional development. In addition to her MA in Physics from Belarussian State University, she has completed an Organizational Consulting Course at Bar Ilan University, specialized in Behavioral Economics at Haifa University, and participated in a Corporate Responsibility and Innovation Program at Bar Ilan University.

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Sergey Zakharov

Ph.D. in Psychology and serves as a Research Fellow at the Health and Well-being Strengthening Research Center at Ariel University's Department of Healthcare Systems Management. Prior to making Aliyah, he dedicated 15 years as Deputy Director of the "Hesed Avraam" Charity Center in St. Petersburg, where he spearheaded various social entrepreneurial projects. These include establishing Russia's first private nursing home from scratch, which opened in 2016, and creating a day center for individuals with dementia, launched in 2020, all while enhancing the organization's role as a provider of social services in the city.

In addition to his primary roles, since 2014, Sergey has been coordinating preventive programs for men at the ANNA National Center for the Prevention of Violence, and he is the creator of the “Papa-School” technology - a group program for fathers...

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